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Edu Komputika Journal
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Edu Komputika Journal menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual di bidang pendidikan TIK, komputer, teknologi informasi, multimedia, rekayasa software dan aplikasinya dalam bidang pendidikan.
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Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Music is a Voices arrangement in such a way, so it has a tone, rhythm and harmony, especially the resulting sound of musical instruments. The guitar is a most popular musical instrument. learning guitar takes time and cost a lot. As previously with Technology developments, be required a Learning Media is moving. Therefore, The Writer design a guitar chord Learning Media Applications based android because android Operating System is a developing rapidly and many people have it. The purpose of research is to produce mobile application education learn the guitar chords for Beginners Based android.The methods used to build this software is a waterfall, consists of analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Testing process Software is Framework validation. Testing process consists of black-box testing, material testing, and media testing.The results is a Mobile Application Education Learning Chord Guitar for Beginners Based Android. Features From Application is Introduction Parts of the guitar, the techniques playing guitar, introduction of a guitar chord, guitar tuner, chord mayor and minor with tones, video examples chord songs, and chord songs examples. The result of Black-box testing show that functions Application is good, while the materials testing and media testing , learning guitar chords application shows the percentage of Eligibility Application respectively 91.32% and 87.15%, which means that the findings Of Process the validation included category Very decent OR Very Good. Suggestions for a review of research is 1) the must be user testing to review how the applications is effective or not, 2) USE evaluation questions, 3) USE streaming video Database until size of the application is NOT too big and can to publish video more, 4) improvement tuner features.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran dalam Bentuk Buku Saku Digital Berbasis Android Materi Ajar Gerak dan Gaya di SMK 1 Kedungwuni Reza, M. Fahrudin Ali; Purwanti, Dwi
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to determine how to develop Android-based instructional media in teaching materials and apply motion and force the application into learning in school as an alternative to learning. Application development method used is the waterfall which has a cycle stages of requirements analysis, design, implementation (application development) and testing phases. The testing phase consists of blackbox testing, validation software (learning media applications) and test stages of user feedback through a questionnaire data retrieval. Analysis of the data using a Likert scale to determine the length of the interval for the application of learning media assessment. The test results showed that the learning media in the form of Android-based digital pocket book category fit for use as an alternative learning at school and outside of school. Product validation testing media applications obtained a score of 69 with a percentage of 75% intervals media ratings (criteria of Agree / Worth). While the test results obtained by user feedback score of 1967 with a percentage interval feasibility assessment of media that is 80.87% (the criteria of Agree / Worth).
Tutorial Model Pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisions pada Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi Annisa, Hana Nur; Adi, Slamet Seno; Harlanu, Muhammad
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kurangnya aktivitas belajar siswa merupakan salah satu masalah di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Model pembelajaran modern merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi diperlukan inovasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satunya penggunaan media pembelajaran sebagai pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat media pembelajaran menggunakan model Student Teams Achievement Divisions pada mata pelajaran TIK serta mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran dan mengetahui hasil belajar siswa setelah menerapkan media pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian pre experimental designs dengan bentuk penelitian one shot case study. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu pembuatan produk dan uji coba produk. Tahap pembuatan produk terdiri dari observasi, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain dan revisi desain. Tahap uji coba dilakukan dengan cara mengimplementasikan media pada kelompok eksperimen dan selanjutnya menganalisis hasil yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan ahli media dan materi, media pembelajaran tersebut masuk ke dalam kriteria sangat layak. Multimedia interaktif ini diimplementasikan pada siswa kelas VIII C SMP Negeri 3 Semarang. Rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 76,3 dengan  nilai tertinggi 92,5 dan nilai terendah 60 serta ketuntasan klasikal siswa sebesar 67,74%. Diharapkan guru menggunakan media pembelajaran yang dibuat dan dapat diterapkan pada mata pelajaran lain.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Tes Listening Di SMA Takhassus Al Qur’an Demak Budiarso, Alfian; Wibawanto, Hari
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Keterampilan listening akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang lain yaitu speaking (berbicara). Apabila siswa terbiasa dengan benar mendengarkan ujaran-ujaran bahasa Inggris maka siswa akan secara benar mengucapkannya. Oleh karena itu sistem pengembangan aplikasi tes listening, dapat digunakan sebagai media belajar siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris dan sebagai salah satu cara dalam mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa dengan melihat nilai siswa dengan mengikuti tes listening secara online. Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan metode waterfall dan pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan pengujian blackbox, yaitu pengujian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui fungsionalitas dari sistem berjalan dengan baik. Uji kelayakan dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi pertanyaan terhadap pengguna terkait dengan. Hasil dari tanggapan pengguna menggunakan kuesioner. Dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 10 siswa dan 3 guru yang berperan sebagai pengguna sistem pengembangan aplikasi tes listening. Penilaian siswa dengan persentase 63.88% baik sedangkan guru 93.10% baik. Dari hasil kuesioner dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa sistem pengembangan aplikasi tes listening layak untuk melatih kemampuan listening siswa di Sma Takhassus Al Qur’an Demak. Abstract Listening skills will greatly affect the other English skills of speaking (speaking). If the student is accustomed to properly listening to English utterances then the student will correctly pronounce them. Therefore, the listening listening application development system can be used as a learning media for students to improve their English skills and as a way to evaluate students learning outcomes by looking at the students score by taking online listening test. Making the application using waterfall method and system testing is done by blackbox testing, that is testing done to know the functionality of the system goes well. The feasibility test is performed using a questionnaire containing questions about the users associated with. Results from user responses using questionnaires. By taking a sample of 10 students and 3 teachers who act as users of application development system listening test. Assessment of students with a percentage of 63.88% both while teachers 93.10% good. From the results of the questionnaire can be concluded that the application development system for listening test is feasible to train students listening skills in the Takhassus Sma Al Quran Demak
Aplikasi Simulasi TOEFL ITP “TOEFL OS (Offline Simulation)” Berbasis Android Rizkiyah, Umi; Sukamta, Sri; Purbawanto, Sugeng
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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English is an international language that is needed in the development of global information technology. Each persons English skills can be measured by a test called TOEFL. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a test oriented to American English. The English test used in the eucation world is the TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program) because it focuses on a particular institution. Currently, there are many universities that use TOEFL ITP as one of the requirements of graduation that is adjusted to the standards of each university. Currently many agencies provide services to study and practice TOEFL at a cost that is quite expensive. In this study made alternative implementation of TOEFL simulation to learn, practice and perform TOEFL simulation through android smartphone. The results showed the validation and validation category of the media, the TOEFL ITP simulation application included in the category very well. The effectiveness test obtained Sig. (2-tailed) less than 0.05 ie 0.012 and 0.002 with average Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.007. Test results of 82.5% outcome result results with very good category. So it can be concluded that the application called TOEFL OS enthused by the user and has been appropriate user needs as an alternative learning media TOEFL.
A Simulation of Computer Assembly Using Unity 3D Pranata, Bayu Ari; Arief, Ulfah Mediaty; Suryanto, Agus
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The rapid development of information technology provides an important role in the advancement of science and the increasing of human resource quality. In addition, the development of technology can also be used as a supporter of education by developing innovative learning. This study aims to develop learning media simulation of computer assembly using unity 3D. The development of instructional media is based on ISO 9126 standard. Development of instructional media in this research using waterfall method of v-model. Qualitative data in the form of suggestions from the results of validation by the experts while the quantitative data in the form of questionnaires are tested by media experts, material experts, and respondents. The results of this study in the form of 3D-based virtual reality learning application media that contains material introduction of hardware and assembly of computers. Application testing includes black-box test and media learning feasibility test. Validation was done by two media experts and one material expert, then tested the respondents to 36 students of class X majoring in Multimedia. The result of media feasibility analysis showed 93% media expert judgment, material expert 95%, and 81% student response, so the learning media of computer assembly simulation is categorized as appropriate for use as a learning medium. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that this instructional media is feasible to be used based on ISO 9126 standard and feasible to be used by teachers and students as supporting learning material of hardware and assembling of computer. Keywords: Instuctional Media, Computer Assembly, Unity 3D
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Tik Kelas Vii Di Smp Mataram Semarang Adyria, Fellisia Stefani; Andrasto, Tatyantoro
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of the research is to determine improving student learning outcomes and student activity and creating innovative learning model NHT cooperative. Design of the research using quasi experimental. Population of the research are grade VII SMP Mataram Semarang students, school year 2015/2016. Sample of the research has been taken using simple random sampling technique, in order to obtain students of class VII B (experiment group) and students of class VII C (control group). Data analysis technique used prerequisite analysis covering normality and homogeneity test, and hypothesis test covering the different and gain test. The research results show that the average value of student learning experiment group is 83,18 and the control group is 61,14. The hypothesis test shows that there are significant differences of learning outcomes between experiment and control group students. Learning outcomes of experiment group students are higher than the control group proven with gain indeks of experiment group is 0,71 compared with gain indeks of control group is 0,30. Based on the hypothesis test, can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning type NHT is proven student learning outcomes and student learning activeness. Researcher Suggestion is teacher be able to apliccation model cooperative learning type NHT as alternative learning to upgrading if the student have low learning outcomes.
Sistem Pengolah Data Akreditasi Program Studi Universitas Negeri Semarang Widodo, Djoko Adi
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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According to the Higher Education Act Section Nine of Education and Learning Process Studies Paragraph 1 of Article 33, paragraph 3, which reads "Study Program was held with the permission of the Minister after meeting the minimum requirements of accreditation". Observations from the State University of Semarang, the data collection process and accreditation forms filling is done manually by using Microsoft Office software. Data dibutuhan not only the data that existed at the current time but the existing data for a few years back. The problems disclosed in this research is how to design and create a Data Processing Information Systems Web-Based Program Accreditation. The purpose of this study was to perform the design and manufacture of Data Processing Information Systems Web-Based Program Accreditation. The method used in the development of research systems are methods Sequential Linear or Waterfall. This stage starts from the process of analysis, design, coding, and testing. The analysis used object-oriented analysis approach or Object Oriented Analisys (OOA). Stage design software used object oriented design approach or Object Oriented Design (OOD), the next stage of encoding tool used is a PHP Framework Panada that applies the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). After Testing, through this system data to be used for the accreditation process will be collected centrally and can be accessed from anywhere in the home using an Internet connection. Besides the work can be done in groups. Data that has been separately input will be automatically collected into one. After all the data is collected it will be exported into a file that is ready to be used as material for accreditation. It can be concluded that the system is running well.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Laps-Heuristik Dengan Media Pembelajaran Lectora Inspire Pada Mata Pelajaran Ipa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Petarukan Kabupaten Pemalang Agustianti, Marselia Riza; Sukamta, Sri
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The aims of the study are to determine the difference between learning outcomes and student activity that were learned by using logan avenue problem solving (laps)–Heuristik learning media with lectora inspire learning media. A quasi experimental was used as reasearch design in this study. The population of the study were students of the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 4 Petarukan in the academic year of 2015/2016. Samples were taken by using saturated sampling technique with a certain equality (matching). Those, there were two classes used, VII B as an experimental group and VII C as control group. Data analysis technique used the pre requisite test analysis including normality, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. The results showed that the average of learning outcomes of the experimental group was 87.73 and the control group was 71.43. In addition, the average score of students’ active of the experimental group was 85% with good category. While the control group was 72% with good category. Hypothesis test results indicated that there were significant difference between learning outcomes and student activity of experimental group that was better than the control group. Based on the hypothesis test results, it can be concluded that the application of Laps-Heuristics as learning media with lectora inspire media was more innovative and interactive when applied in the learning process. In the process of learning, the teacher can develop further by adding more interesting illustration of this inspire lectora media for other subjects.
Implementasi Hack And Slash Dalam Sistem Pertarungan Game RPG Joko Tingkir Samudra, Dikdoyo Ganang; Djuniadi, Djuniadi
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Role Playing Game (RPG) is a game’s genre that developed in Japan. The system of this game which is implied in it’s name, is about playing to be someone in many different conditions, times, place, and situations. RPG game’s setting take place around a player that playing as a character or group killing enemies as it travel around world which the story take place. The storyline of RPG maker is very variative and fascinating, it can be everything, for example it can tell about history. This research developing a game that take Joko Tingkir’s history as it storyline and implemented hack and slash battle system. The title of the game is Joko Tingkir. The purpose of this research is to know how to make a RPG game that implement hack and slash battle system to improve it’s quality. The method used in the development of the system is the waterfall method which has requirements analysis, system design, coding, and testing cycle. The result of this research is a RPG game that has implemented hack and slash battle system, that can be used after being tested by using blackbox testing.

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